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Sex Offender Registry

The Nebraska State Patrol Sex Offender Registry lists all sex offenders in the state of Nebraska.

Click here to view the list:   



Nebraska State Statute 29-4002 declares that sex offenders present a high risk to commit repeat offenses and that efforts of law enforcement agencies to protect their communities, conduct investigations, and quickly apprehend sex offenders are impaired by the lack of available information about individuals who have pleaded guilty to or have been found guilty of sex offenses and who live in their jurisdiction. Because of that, the legislature determined that state policy should assist efforts of local law enforcement agencies to protect their communities by requiring sex offenders to register with local law enforcement agencies as provided by the Sex Offender Registration Act.

This information is to be used to provide public notice and information about a registrant so a community can develop constructive plans to prepare themselves and their family.  Sex Offenders have "always" been in our communities.  The notification process will remove their ability to act secretly.

Sex offender registry information shall not be used to retaliate against the registrants, their families, or their employers in any way.  Vandalism, verbal or written threats of harm are illegal and will result in arrest and prosecution.

Sex Offender Registration Law effective Jan 1, 2010

May 29, 2009, the Nebraska legislature passed LB285 which amended the Nebraska Sex Offender Registration Act in an attempt to become compliant with the Adam Walsh Act.


Reporting Requirements
All offenders are required to register in 3 days at a Nebraska State Patrol location ) or prior to release from incarceration (local or state). In addition to the current registration data collected, the required information also includes:

  1.  ALL addresses that he or she lives or frequents
  2.  All employment locations
  3.  All school information
  4.  Travel & immigration documents
  5.  Professional licensees or certificates
  6.  All telephone numbers
7.  DNA sample

  8.  Palm prints in addition to fingerprints

  9.  All vehicles owned or operated by the registered sex offender

All registration changes takes place in person at the sheriffs’ offices.  The offender must report any change in residence/temporary residence, employment, or school on an approved form (NSP792).


Registration Duration

Fifteen years- if the sex offender was convicted of a registrable offense under section 29-4003 not punishable by imprisonment for more than one year; (i.e. primarily misdemeanor offenses)

Twenty-five years- if the sex offender was convicted of a registrable offense under section 29-4003 punishable by imprisonment for more than one year; or (i.e. primarily non-aggravated felony offenses including attempt/conspiracy)

Life-if the sex offender was convicted of a registrable offense under section 29-4003 punishable by imprisonment for more than one year and was convicted of an aggravated offense or had a prior sex offense conviction or has been determined to be a lifetime registrant in another state, territory, commonwealth, or other jurisdiction of the United States, by the United States Government, by court-martial or other military tribunal, or by a foreign jurisdiction. (i.e. primarily aggravated felony offenses = force/drugged victim/disabled victim/victim <13, including attempt/conspiracy; felony or misdemeanor repeat offenders)

New Verification Process
The verification schedule will be determined by the registration duration time. Letters will be mailed to each registered offender (or prior registered offender) to advise of their verification schedule. 

15 year-Required to report for verification annually in person at the sheriff's office in the month of the offender’s date of birth.

25 year-Required to report for verification bi-annually in person at the sheriff's office in the month of the offender’s date of birth & six months following.

Lifetime-Required to report for verification quarterly in person at the sheriff's office in the month of the offender’s date of birth and every three months thereafter.


Community Notification Process
ALL REGISTERED SEX OFFENDERS are posted on the public site. The classification or "risk levels" is not used in Nebraska and all registered sex offenders are categorized by registration duration. 


All violations will be a Felony IV, unless the offender has a prior Felony IV violation conviction then the subsequent violation will be a Felony III. 


For more information regarding the Sex Offender Registration Program or name searches, please contact:

Nebraska State Patrol Sex Offender Registry @ 402.471.4545 or visit

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