10/18/2022 Jose J Salazar, 42, of Mound City, Mo was arrested and brought to the Richardson County Jail by Richardson County Deputies at approximately 2:23 am for driving under suspension.
10/19/2022 Jose N Hernandez-Torres of Houston, Tx was arrested and brought to the Richardson County Jail by Richardson County Deputies at approximately 5:35 am for driving under the influence and defective vehicle lighting.
10/20/2022 Benjamin P Reed, 27, of Hiawatha, Ks was arrested and brought to the Richardson County Jail by the Falls City Police Dept at approximately 6:30 pm on
a Richardson County Warrant for driving under suspension.
10/21/2022 Erin A Hagood, 23, of Wymore, Ne turned herself in to the Richardson County Jail at approximately 9:00 am for a Richardson County Court Commitment.